Integrating community engagement and public health reporting through partnerships and technology

What We Do

Public Health Reporting

Streamline public health communicable disease reporting to meeting federal and state regulations and improve health outcomes through data utilization.

The Bloomerang Network

The Bloomerang Network is a virtual community designed for collaboration across public health, the longevity economy, and community engagement sectors. Join our growing network now!

Community Resilience

Community Engagement

CHMRC collaborates with community-based organizations and coalitions nationwide to help drive initiatives that address the unique needs of their communities.

CHMRC Medical Reserve Corps

Medical Reserve Corps

Established in 2014, California Health Medical Reserve Corps supported disaster relief and emergency preparedness through COVID. Today, our Medical Reserve Corps focuses on education and training for local communities.

From Our Blog

  • Your Community Isn't Waiting for Someone Else's Vision - It's Waiting for Yours

Partner Interview: The Community Positive Project

🌟 Your community isn’t waiting for someone else’s vision—it’s waiting for YOURS. What does it take to create real, lasting change in communities? Catherine Huckaby, Founder of the Community Positive Project, has spent [...]